2008年11月25日 星期二

Free Heater --Sun

Although it is very cold, part of our house during part of the day is warm without turning on the heater. The sun shines through our living room windows. Sometimes I even feel hot by standing by the windows.

I tried the Chinese medicine 鼻通丸 & 金蓮花膠囊 . They relieved my pains a lot. Now I am still coughing and my nose is not completely clear yet, but at least I could breathe. And I can feel my coughing is better now.

I picked the medicine myself. I tried to ask the counter service assistant, but they did not give me the right medicine for my symptons. However they did a good job in helping me finding what I needs.

I did a lot of research in Chinese medicine since in Taiwan, because Winston's allergy bothered me a lot. So I know what to pick for nose, lung and throat. Even for coughing, at least three types of Chinese medicine need to be dinstinguished: cough with or without sputum, cough caused by cold or not. Many times coughing is caused by allergic noses. If you want to get rid of coughing, according to Chinese medicine, you need to cure nose problem at the same time.

The follwoing was prescribed by Dr. Me:

鼻通丸成分: 蒼耳子、辛夷、百芷、鵝不食草、薄荷、黃岑、甘草、蜂蜜 (風寒、熱寒皆宜)

金蓮花 消炎抗菌 乾咳 for throat.

川貝清肺止咳液 :枇杷葉、苦杏仁、川貝母、地黃、甘草、桔梗、薄荷...(痰重不宜)

I know I am risking my health by trying the medicines. But who can say the Western prscribed medicine would not hurt our health. As for the side-effects, I have more confident in Chinese medicine.
