2008年11月12日 星期三

Tangerine & Persimmon

The two fruits for the season are great. But according to Chinese medical advice, Winston and I should not eat tangerines. The later is juicy but tastes so cold in this weather. If not for the economic recession, we would have turned on our heater every day and enjoy our juicy "cold" persimmons at home. Richy told us to cost down in every aspect of our daily life. I think we can start with taking shower once a week. I can be very cooperative on this because it was so cold. Winston would love it because he's never liked showers even in summer. The economy really matters, everyone we asked hasn't started using their heaters yet. The only places I feel warm are the public areas such as offices, shopping centers, and supermarkets. Every one is saving for the colder weather ahead.
