2008年12月3日 星期三

End of Stars Chasing 機會稍縱即逝

This was the moon I captured with my camera tonight. Winston and I saw the two stars again but for some reason I did not get them in my camera. I took too many pictures this morning for the autumn leaves and my camera was out of power. So, after I realized it and recharged my camera for 30 minutes, the stars were both gone again. I only got one banana moon to record. I felt fooled by the stars. But even I took a picture of today's sky, the moon and stars could not stay in the same picture. Because this time the two stars were very far below the moon. So, Looking at my picture, you should imagine the two little stars staying on the south-east corner outside of my picture. We should feel lucky to see Venus and Jupiter together with the first quarter moon for three consecutive days. The most precious moment was when we found a smiling sky performed by the moon and stars on the first day.
~End of stars chasing!~

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

我也有看到微笑的月亮和那閃亮的金星和木星所構成的笑臉圖喔. 真的是很特別的一個景象.