When you want to know whether you're in a rich or poor area on the way of your trip, you should look at the garbage cans. If you see garbage cans but no trash, it is wealthy. If you see trash next to the garbage cans, then it is neither rich nor poor--it is a tourist district. If you see trash without any garbage cans, then it is poor. And if people live in trash then it is very very poor.
少年Momo 一副酷樣地站在街上,奇怪自己等了半天,仍没法顺利交到異性朋友,於是问了 Ibrahim先生。
Ibrahim告诉他:You stare at people as if wanting to say: see how handsome I am. Well, of course they laugh. You should look at them as if you want to say: I've never seen anyone more beautiful than you. For an ordinary man, like you and me, our looks are what we find in the woman.
以上,原文部分摘自書名:Monsieur Ibrahim and the followers of Koran , 2003 法国拍成电影 。作者是法国人:Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt,行文风趣富哲理, 我只有看到節錄部分,至於全文就要再花时间找了,应该有英译版。

The film begins in a working-class neighborhood in the 1960s Paris. The main character, Moїse Schmidt (Momo), is a young Jewish boy growing up without a mother and with a father afflicted by crippling depression. Momo is fascinated by the elderly Turkish Muslim man Ibrahim Demirci, who runs a grocery store across the street from his apartment (where Momo often shops). Their relationship develops and soon Momo feels closer to Ibrahim than to his father. Ibrahim affectionately calls Moїse Momo, and adopts him when his father leaves and commits suicide. Momo and Ibrahim go on a journey to Turkey, Ibrahim's homeland, in their new car.