Friday afternoon after school, Winston and one Demark kid played in-line-skate in the garden. The Demark kid did not speak English. They didn't communicate much but they had fun chasing each other. He even watched Winston for me. He skated around Winston and helped Winston when he fell. They skated all the way out of my sight. I was busy taking pictures of the flowers in the garden.

Saturday was a raining day in the morning but sun came out for 3 hours in the afternoon when Winston and I took a walk to the bank. We stopped for a while to watch willows, flower trees, and birds on the sidewalk of a waterway.
Last night was such a windy night. The wind howled like if our house would break down anytime. I had a dream that our house leaned to one side. And we all could not balance on the bed. How terrible! I almost cried in the dream because I don't want to keep the high debt without enough real estate.

Saturday was a raining day in the morning but sun came out for 3 hours in the afternoon when Winston and I took a walk to the bank. We stopped for a while to watch willows, flower trees, and birds on the sidewalk of a waterway.
Last night was such a windy night. The wind howled like if our house would break down anytime. I had a dream that our house leaned to one side. And we all could not balance on the bed. How terrible! I almost cried in the dream because I don't want to keep the high debt without enough real estate.
