2009年4月17日 星期五

Ex-life, This Life ? 前世今生

Someone forwarded me a PPT file illustrating the circle of ex-life and this life.

I am a believer of Gods. I respect all religions because I regard myself tiny and weak. And the believers' testimonies sound so real. I do need guidance when I get lost. However, I don't like to preach or to be preached. I like to keep the freedom on choosing what to believe, and what to read. I keep Budish books and Christian Bible on my book shelf. I checked the religious books out whenever I was in bad mood and needed guidance.
There is always new inspiration for me when I check those religious books out. Anyway, what I want to say is: whatever religion it is, as long as it cures.

I keep thinking if we treat the issue of ex-life, this life, and next life philosophically, instead of religiously, then we can be a believer without religious burden and live "this life" differently.

If we know that our family members were related in our ex-life and we may meet others in our next life, we would treat many others the same way we treat our family members. Our love to our family would not be so selfish and would be extended to others.

Environmentally, if we know this life is not the end of our life, then we would treasure more of the natural resources instead of use them as much as we can.

And, when we meet some problems repeatedly, we will try to deal and solve them instead of burying our head in the sand like an Ostrich. Because, as the ex-life theory says: the shadow of ex-life would repeat in our current life. So, if we deal with the problems , we may not need to deal with the same problems all over again in our next life.

I like to think things over sometimes. But with my tiny brain, I am not sure what I just said is right or wrong. But it does help me in some way.

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?
---by Chuck Palahniuk

4 則留言:

James Oh 提到...

Thanks for sharing such a great post and reaffirm that there is a God insistence. God is always watching us and never blink.

Inspector Clouseau 提到...

Thanks again for visiting our site. We hope that you will visit often.

Although this may contradict your philosophy, consistent with the principles which the Logistician promotes during his motivational speaking workshops, you might reconsider your characterization of yourself as "tiny and weak." All of us have the potential to have a "big and powerful" positive influence on others. Give it some consideration.

jane 提到...

太久沒上來跟妳say hello了


June 提到...

Thanks, my new friends and Jane.
Through Logistician, I learned James blog and know how to find other friends by just clicking "next". These days I found 3 new friends. Each one has his own very specialty in the blog. James's blog is like its name to lift up poeple' mind. The Logistician's blog is to raise questions and explore different thoughts on many issues surrounding us. Another blog is Lace and Ivy cottage, where you can smell the joy and sun in Calinfornia.