2009年5月11日 星期一

East Gold Chicken Lake, An Easy Fun Day

Yesterday is the first Mother's Day for 3 of us celebrating together and also is the first time in China.

Morning we went to the Science and Art museum to see the display of small samples of all the statues in Su-Zhou Industrial Park. Some of the statues I had already seen and recorded them with my camera, but some I still need to find out where they were located. They have two live statues displayed by real human dressed in white and Golden suits. I was annoyed when I saw visitors or kids trying to touch the live statues. Some parents even told their kids to joke on the statues. I told the visitors not to touch the human statues because it was very tough for them to stay still while people touching or pulling their clothes or hats. I could not understand why the museum workers could ignore those mischievous behaviors. Richy was afraid that somebody might punch me when I step out of the museum door. Anyway I walked out safely.

Winston pretended to be one of the live statues in display.


Since it was hot now, we stayed home in the afternoon doing what need to be done. Then we went out to the east side of Gold Chicken Lake for a walk in the evening. The east side is not as crowded as the west side of the lake. However, I am afraid this peace may not last longer because the Ferris Wheel Fun Land would soon open and draw noisy crowds. The Fun Land was definitely not my favorite place to visit. However it was so close and I could not help but take a few pictures of it. It was really huge. They also had roller coaster and kids' bumping cars on the ground.

We walked until sun set. Took some more pictures and enjoyed the summer evening breeze along the walk. Then we saw water dance in a plaza surrounded by exotic restaurants. The water danced along with lovely music. Some kids ran in and out of the water, and so did we. Winston and I tried the outer circle and got out dry and safe.

Richy observed the water moves and thought the very center of the water fountain was the safest place to stay dry. So he ran in, but just after he ran in the water changed its dancing moves. He was stuck by the water wall. We could hardly saw him and when he got out he was completely wet. Fortunately, he could get in my extra-large long- sleeve shirt for a warm change.

To me, this was a very precious moment to see the change in Richy who jumpped into something without thinking at least 3 times (no matter at work or for leisure) . He used to be the one who stopped us doing something crazy, silly, and funny like this. Although he got out wet, I was happy to Richy so relaxed and having fun.

On the way home, Richy saw a Mexico Food Restaurant and we checked in. We ordered Fajita and assorted BBQ. The food was fresh and tasty but a bit greasy. We took a feast and ended our Happy mother's day.

After our stomachs were all full, we saw a Korean restaurant full of eaters. We supposed it to be a good one and checked the menu at their door. I sighed at the expensive menu but Richy said that was not so expensive. Ha, I giggled in mind with the thought that we might have the chance to sit inside next time.

2 則留言:

HANK 提到...

1. 照相技巧越來越好了,落日的畫面給人安詳的感覺。
2. 既然要待在蘇州,就要融入當地的生活型態,獨善其身就好,大陸人民的文化水平要與台灣活先進國家相當還需要約10-20年,只要見怪不怪就好了。

June 提到...

下一台相机一定要买单眼的,到时帮忙給个意见吧。那个Sunset是用相机内定的Sunset Mode拍的。