2010年1月8日 星期五

Baking in Winter-香蕉胡蘿蔔麵包

It is so cold these days. To make my house warm, I had been baking breads and cookies very often this month. And because of the "mass" production of food, we shared with  friends, too.
Baking bread is an every-other-day work since 2009 , because we eat bread every morning.  I don't trust the bread bought from the bakery stores. They use artificial flavor and ingredients to make breads look attractive and yummy.  But to me, they are like hollow balloons full of air and perfume. 
I made some banana-carrot breads this week.  This is the 3rd time I make it.  The first try is back to 17 years ago when I was in NY.  The second time was done in Taiwan and I shared it with my colleagues.  Both times had earned eaters' great feedback.  So I had been looking for the recipe in China but failed.  I figured out that I had been using the wrong name for the searching the recipe. -- It is Banana Carrot Bread not Banana Bread or Banana Cake.  Anyway, I finally got it out from the net.  The great thing is that I also found a great website for cooking tips: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe
As I always said, I don't like to stay in the kitchen for too long.  But I like to make healthy food when I feel like to.  I enjoy delicate food too, but if I want to eat them I will go to the restaurant.  I know if I make delicate food myself, I will ruin it and ruin my simple life.

Banana-Carrot Bread--Simple & Easy


1/3 cup vegetable oil ( I used olive oil)
1 cup sugar  (I used less than 1/2 cup)
2 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda  (I used 1/2 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
1 cup grated carrots (I substitued 1/2 of grated carrots with grated apple)
1/2 cup chopped pecans (I also added raisins)
*Add a dash of shredded orange or lemon skin for flavor and better taste

Mix the first 3 ingredients together, then add everything.  Use a big spoon to stir until everything mixed well (about 3 minutes).  Then put in the preheated oven and rest.
Heat 350 F(or 180C) for 55-60 mins, Insert with a stick. If then stick comes out clean (no sticky bread attached), it is done. (每台烤箱會有差異,我的烤箱經驗是200C,50mins最後十分鐘蓋上錫箔紙,防止表面烤焦)
