2010年1月18日 星期一

Knit a Warm Winter 編織一個温暖的冬天

Neck Only-- Turtle Neck

I had been knitting now and then this winter. I was slow but quite enjoying the process of learning new things while knitting. Last year I knitted a vest for Winston.  He loves it and wears it now.  Richy does not like to wear sweaters, because he think they tickle. The good thing about knitting is that I can choose the materials and colors, but the bad part is that one work may take me forever to the finish line.
Last week I made turtle neck ( only for the neck part, and that is all).  I was quite satisfied with the outlook and effect. I can't wait to show off in my blog.
The origial idea is from the website: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/yang4445/  This website belongs to the wife (she is a super knitter) of the TA in the college which I attended 20 years ago. We regained our touch in 2009 September when I started my class reunion blog in Yam.   Now our TA and his wife both work for private companies.


Cover as much face as I can, then I can be a model, too.

Another way of wearing the Turtle Neck

Wisnton's Muffler Knitted in Dec. 2009

Wisnton's Vest Knitted earlier last year, Feb. 2009

~Keep Kneating and Going!~

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