2010年3月22日 星期一

Kite 風箏


有人說: 夫妻關係就要像風箏,要懂得放手才能飛得高。再讀一次,這句話我有不同的體會,放風箏的人终究還是拿著線。我想,没有人能藉由一條線(或任何方式)去控管另一個人,每個人都有權利安排自己的生命、生活。
Some said the relationship between husband and wife is like flying the kite.  We need to give the other the freedom to fly, so it will fly high.  I can not agree. Because one still holds the string and decide for the other.  I think the bond between the two should be invisible and no one have the right to use the string to control the other. 
The past few days, Suzhou was covered in the Sand-dust-storm.  I suffered from respiratory problems especially during my sleep. For 3 nights, I had to struggle to breathe and wake myself up, otherwise I might had been dead in sleep.  I spent lots of time cleaning the house and doing the laundry during daytime.  Yesterday the weather was a bit better. The sand dust level was reduced a lot.  We went out to a Farm restaurant.  In the evening, we flew the kite. We had been swimming on the Sundays the whole winter.  It was the first time we went outing this spring.  This is my second Spring in China.  I am not as surprised by the spring flowers as I was last year.  But I still appreciate the spring blossoms very much.
The green house in the farm. (and the two funny statues?!)
