2010年5月28日 星期五

Great Detoxifier:Green Beans Tea 綠豆茶

Tea made from Dried green beans


A China cup or Steel cup is suggested.  Glass cup is not for hot water.
I use glass cup to show the ingredients.


今早,我试了此方,一大早就先煮绿豆水,放着等它凉点再喝。 后来,我打电话回家,告诉我妈这个做法,讲了半天,问她有没听懂,结果她说:就是泡绿豆茶嘛!我恍然大悟,是呀!这么简单的事,拿个杯子放入洗净的绿豆和热开水就可以做好,我还洗锅子,看着时钟计时煮了一堆绿豆。总之,就这么简单,以后可以常常泡绿豆茶了,又不担心喝茶睡不着。
Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. They are also a very good source of vitamin A, dietary fiber, potassium, folate and iron. In addition, green beans are a good source of magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, copper, calcium, phosphorus, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Here is more information about Green beans.
The above is about the nutritional effect of green beans.  The Chinese Medicine Doctors have different views on green beans' detoxifying effects.  They suggest that green beans essence can help discharge chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and other harmful substance from human liver. If you eat cooked green beans, you get the nutritions. If you drink green beans tea, you get the medical benefits.  The internet knows how to cook green beans.  As for the tea, it is as simple as the way we make other teas.  Add some washed green beans to one cup of hot drinking water, cover and wait 30 minutes. That's it.  Enjoy!

3 則留言:

Joanne Licsko 提到...

Please clarify. Are the beans whole or shelled? Do they sit for 30 minutes simmering or off the stove? I want to try it.

June 提到...

Hi Joanne,
Use dried whole green beans. For the methods, you can try either of these:(A) put beans in cold water and heat until it boils, turn of the fire, cover and wait 5 minutes, then serve.
(B) Put beans in hot boiling water (off the stove), cover and wait for 30 minutes, then serve.
To avoid wasting the beans and the nutrition, I further cook the used beans (still hard to chew) with soup or rice.

June 提到...

I attached one more picture of the green beans in the post. I am afraid that the West and East may have different names for the same beans.