2008年10月26日 星期日

Like father, like son.

Last night when I kissed Winston to say good night, he told me that his best friend kissed him on Friday. Because Winston had been gone to Taiwan for a week, and his best friend missed him so much. Winston tried to rub off the kiss on his cheek when he mentioned it.
I asked: Do you like it?
He said: No, I want lady's kisses, not boy's.
I asked: How about kisses from girls in your class?
He said: No, I don't like kids' kisses, only young women's.
I asked again: How about old lady's?
He said: No. (Kid's talk, never mind. Grandmothers.)
Like father, like son.
The only difference is that in Winston's eyes, I am still young, but in his father's eyes I am old.

I told Richy about Winston's favorite kiss, he was curious and asked: Have Winston been kissed by any young woman? Oh, It was me, me, me, Winston's mother. It was so embarrassing to define myself as a young woman at the age of 40s.
