2009年3月30日 星期一
2009年3月28日 星期六
Friends' Reunion (in星期九餐厅)


Sunday we had a reunion lunch at Weekday 9 restaurant.
Ping-ting and Evan moved to Shanghai 2 years ago. Jessie's family have lived in Su-Zhou for 10 years. Evan, Jessie, Richy and I all graduated from NCKU. It is interesting to see everyone married with kids after so many years. The kids enjoyed steering boats in the lake. We could see farm animals and flowers while boating.
It feels so good to meet friends from Taiwan. Spring has come. I hope our friends will have more time to get together. I am sure kids enjoy the time together.
Su-Zhou Sicence and Art Museum
春天後母脸,天气说变就变,苏州的四季分明,相较之下台湾真的是四季如春啊! 令人怀念。

春天後母脸,天气说变就变,苏州的四季分明,相较之下台湾真的是四季如春啊! 令人怀念。

2009年3月27日 星期五
2009年3月26日 星期四

趁花季还未谢幕,就多拍几张吧!现在已拍不到鲜嫩的玉蘭花了,梅花樱花正当时,会结梅子的梅花早在三月初就花谢了(相片:http://june-simple-life.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_14.html);前二周还有小梅花,但很难拍,因为花小、色浅、梅树又高,看起来很美很像華航机尾的那种淡淡清爽的梅花,可惜拍起来不好看;最近看到的梅花(樱花?)花瓣大多了(下图),也很上相,其实我也还搞不清楚拍到的是梅花还是樱花。 查了网路百科,看起来樱花的葉尾比较尖,花瓣比较多,有时候開车经过好像有看到,一般的梅花花瓣都是比较圆,有机会我还要去翻翻花卉的書籍,常看到的花確叫不出名字,感觉很不踏实。

2009年3月25日 星期三
So is my Simple true life
2009年3月24日 星期二
芭蕾舞群 The ballet dancers
2009年3月23日 星期一
冬柳吟 Poet : Willow Trees
Zoom in, 再靠近一点

I got some more pictures to share today.
Last night when I closed my eyes before falling asleep, pictures of colorful flowers just appeared in my mind. This is really Spring in Su-Zhou. It is surrounding everywhere all the time.If I were still young I would want to make clothes out of the flower pictures. Now I only hope someday I can make curtains or bedsheets out of the colorful pictures.

2009年3月22日 星期日
Cousin's Visit

We also went to Su-Zhou Science and Art Museum for a walk. Richy and UT had a lot to catch up in this visit. UT liked Su-Zhou very much. He used to go to Shanghai on business sometimes. We look forward to his future visit soon.

2009年3月21日 星期六

Friday afternoon after school, Winston and one Demark kid played in-line-skate in the garden. The Demark kid did not speak English. They didn't communicate much but they had fun chasing each other. He even watched Winston for me. He skated around Winston and helped Winston when he fell. They skated all the way out of my sight. I was busy taking pictures of the flowers in the garden.

Saturday was a raining day in the morning but sun came out for 3 hours in the afternoon when Winston and I took a walk to the bank. We stopped for a while to watch willows, flower trees, and birds on the sidewalk of a waterway.
Last night was such a windy night. The wind howled like if our house would break down anytime. I had a dream that our house leaned to one side. And we all could not balance on the bed. How terrible! I almost cried in the dream because I don't want to keep the high debt without enough real estate.

Saturday was a raining day in the morning but sun came out for 3 hours in the afternoon when Winston and I took a walk to the bank. We stopped for a while to watch willows, flower trees, and birds on the sidewalk of a waterway.
Last night was such a windy night. The wind howled like if our house would break down anytime. I had a dream that our house leaned to one side. And we all could not balance on the bed. How terrible! I almost cried in the dream because I don't want to keep the high debt without enough real estate.

2009年3月20日 星期五
2009年3月19日 星期四



我的观察是:春柳翠如玉,夏柳似竹绿。My God, 我又出口成诗了哇!

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