2009年9月28日 星期一


9月27日是星期日,但Winston要上课,为了讓十一长假变得更长的关系,很多人要补上班、上课,But Richy不用,他帮我安排了一日体能锻炼的课程,早上骑车逛金鸡湖,之后,逛平江街去看几次错过的古戏台,下午本来还安排了游泳,可我已两腿發软了,只好取消。好不容易Winston上课,这个好不容易只有我和Richy的周日,过得真是不浪漫。














2009年9月22日 星期二

Think Positive














Last week a friend sent me a mail about "Think positive when bad things happen".  Last weenkend we happened to have something unfortunate happened to our car.  Richy bumped the front bar of the car while pulling the car out of the parking lot.  He was quite shocked because things like that should always be done by me, not him.  This time he got no one to blame but himself.  I suggested we all practice "think positive" at that time and don't let things affect our mood.  So, the positive side was that our insurance might cover the damage, and this accident might remind Richy to always watch out while turning the car in the future. And the good thing was that we did not hurt any people but bump to the concrete with protecting coat without evening hurting the concrete.


Since I had to drive the car to Kun-Shan city sooner to have it fixed. I thought  I may also check if there is any unpaid tickets from the last few months. So I could by the way pay the ticket in Kun-shang.  Richy checked the internet and keyed in the car information last night. Bingo! We got one.  To my surprise, Richy was not sad about losing money for the tickets like the way he used to be. Instead, he teased me about getting one ticket on my car.  Maybe he was applying "positive thinking".  But I passed the calender to him and showed him the ticket was dated June 21 which was a "Sunday".  I never had to drive on Sunday.  Richy was the one who drove us around on Sundays.  Ha, Ha....

Maybe teasing each other about getting a traffic ticket is another way of Positive thinking.  Anyway, We did not panic much about getting the ticket. 


We took a bus to Ping-Jiang Street to take a walk on Sunday afternoon.  It was our second visit to Ping-Jiang Street.  Richy wanted to visited the traditional Ping-Tan stage museum, but it was closed when we arrived. Richy was practicing his Photo skill with the single-len Camera.  Our old digital camera became Winston's new kit for outing activities.  I was Winston's model and Winston and I were Richy's model.  We had a simple and light supper at the tea house on the sidewalk.

2009年9月15日 星期二






2009年9月14日 星期一


为啥想做手工皂呢?一来爱尝新;二是它是天然的,使用上不伤皮肤,对我们家都是过敏的人(Richy& Winston皮肤过敏,June&Winston呼吸道过敏),有很大的帮助。既然是家庭主妇,也想不出有啥理由能不去做对健康有益的事情,如果有,那就是手工皂的“高成本”吧!,纯天然油脂如橄榄油、棕榈油、椰子油、箆麻油、荷荷巴油等制造的皂,真材实料,成本颇高;市面上的成皂都是用化学材料合成的,便宜、去污力强、泡沫多、味道香,但易残留、伤皮肤且致癌。所以,高”成本的那个,其实是後者。











再次入模 (再生皂四小时即可脱模)









2009年9月13日 星期日

Pool Sunday

It is Fall and weather is cool, but we still could not stop swimming since we started it a two months ago.  Richy came home from his business trip Saturday evening.  Winston was very excited to go to the pool with his dad on Sunday.  We took some pictures in the pool ( Later we found it was not allowed to photo in the pool, but we already took some.) and some pictures on the lake side after swimming. I still could not believe I learned how to breathe during swimming, and that makes me enjoy swimming so much.  Winston learned free style and backstroke this summer.  He loves to swim and jump in the water, and dwell into the water to find his locker room's key.  Today we spent 2 hours including using the Jakuji beside the pool. The pool environment is very pleasant with outdoor green view through the surrounding windows. The pool is in a hotel which resides on the lakeside of Du-shu Lake.  We took a walk on the lake side and enjoyed the sunset in fall breeze.   




We can swim and breathe now!



Massaging Pool


Willows along the lake side


 Lake side Park


On the Lake side Deck





2009年9月10日 星期四

Depression Therapy

One of the books I read this summer is Feeling Good-the new mood therapy written by David D. Burns, M.D.
Here I like to share the notes I kept while reading the book. Why did I name this post a Depression Therapy? If you are someone who are sensitive to others' attitudes, critics or actions. Then from time to time, you may suffer from depression. And I hope these notes will help you deal with your problems to a certain degree.

The theme of Cognitive Therapy(認知治療的理論核心): Thoughts create feelings.
Cognition(認知): the way you are thinking about things at any moment. These thoughts will automatically have a huge impact on how you feel.想法影响感觉感受
Our cognitions may be affected by our childhood experiences, genes, and hormones, the controllalbes or the uncontrollables. Fortunately, as matured adults, we can change the way we think of things and change basic values and beliefs.或许是生活环境、成长背景、基因、贺尔蒙的分泌问题影响了我们对事情的看法,不论是先天後天造成的,身为一个成熟的人,是可以经由改变想法,進而改变心情、生活与健康。

Realize the Facts:
1.All moods are created by cognitions(thoughts).
2.When feeling depressed, thoughts are dominated by a pervasive negativity, then you perceive not only self but the entire world in dark, gloomy terms.
Bad things happened in the past may make you look into the future with emptiness.
3.Distorted thinking (mental slippage) is major cause of suffering.

Part of being human means getting upset from time to time.
What you think will affect how you feel, so Change the way you think of things will help control your mood. We must understand what is happening (look into the real meaning behind the scene, realize the real problem) before we feel it.

Cognitive Distortions((認知扭曲)include:
1.All-or-Nothing Thinking: See things as black or white
3.Mental filter: pick out a negative detail, dwell on it exclusively. When depressed, one tends to filter out anything positive and conclude that everything is negative. Also called selective abstraction.
4.Disqualifying the positive: throw cold water to the good things that happened; denying being loved, cared, and welcomed by others.
5.Jumping to conclusions: “Mind reading” without checking the facts, ex: non-returned phone calls. The fortune teller error: I’m going to …, I’ll never …., That is my fate to be… . Respond to the imagined negative reactions by withdrawal or counterattack.
Self defeating behavior pattern may act as a self-fulfilling prophecy and set up a negative interaction in a relationship when none actually exists.
6.Magnification and Minimization
Magnify errors and mistakes, while minimize strength
7.Emotional Reasoning : I feel …, therefore, I am following my mood to do things
8.Too Many Shoulds and shouldn’ts
They(you/she/he)should or shouldn’t…他应该…才对,不该…才对。太多的该与不该。
9.Labeling and Mislabeling
This is an extreme form of overgeneralization. When labeling others, you inevitably (invariably) generate hostility.
10.Personalization: Put the world on one’s shoulder; fill in the seat where you don’t have to take.

The solutions are summarized as follows (解決方法):
1.People do not live by our rules.不是每个人都照我们的规约生活的。人类会犯错的,对、错也没有绝对性的 Fewer shoulds and shoulden’ts will make our lives easier.
2.Why behave in ways that not in our best self-interest.
3.No one in this world has the power to put you down but yourself.
4.Don’t let others errors or mistakes upset you. 换句话说,不要因为别人的过错或失误而惩罚自己,如果因此而不悦,那你就赋予对方太大的影响力,来影响自己的情绪与健康了。
5.Don’t expect fair treatment from others or expect others to send expected feedback to us. Ex. Don’t be upset by unanswered phone calls. That doesn’t mean you are not welcome.
6.As we learn to expect less, we get more.
7.I am the one who decide whether I should be happy or not. My mood should not be controlled by others’ action or attitudes.

The basic law of physics (行为反作用力):
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction against it. You push harder, it bounces back harder.
Ex: When someone tries to push us or boss around, we will tighten up and resist, in order to maintain our equilibrium and self-esteem. The same applies to kids’ reaction to moms’ pushy hands.

By realizing this law, I suggest that:
1.If feeling pushed, you think of the essence of the facts first, if that is in your best interest, and that is in your plan, you should do it not because someone’s pushing you, but because you want to do it. If that is something you don’t like to do and not to your best interest, then don’t listen to others? You are the one who decide what to do. We all don’t like pushy hands.
2.Try not to be the "unwelcome" pushers. Respect others and others may learn to respect us.

Dealing with critics (comments):
Many times we feel bad when facing negative critics.
Here is the way to deal with them:
1.If Wrong Comments, Ignore it. Don’t waste time letting wrong comments upset you.
2.If right comment, we must know that we, as human beings, are not perfect in nature. Try to find ways to improve and correct it.

Dealing with fights (or arguments)
1.Ask the person to find out what he means ( avoid being judgmental or labeling or defensive while asking questions).
2.Attempt to see the world through the opponent’s eyes. Slip in his shoes.
3.Transform an attack-defense interaction into one of collaboration and mutual respect. Don’t fight back, as we know the law of physics, but find a way to agree with the critics (there must be some points he mentions are agreeable). This way you will defuse his anger.
4.Disarm the opponent, Admit that we make mistakes. You are not cheating. People do make mistakes sometimes or many times.
5.Feedback and negotiation. Find way to agree with critics. Being defensive does no good to the communication.

~Best Wishes to All~

2009年9月6日 星期日




以下摘自臺灣郭醫師的網站 http://www.relativehumanity.com.tw/main01.htm 歡迎轉貼流傳









2009年9月3日 星期四

The 1st grader's 1st week in school

1st week, we were all so excited.  I kept telling Winston to think of the rest room the 1st minute of every break time.  But the 1st day, Winston did not use the rest room at all, because he said that he did not know where boy's room was. So, for 8 hours, he did not Pee...  This hurt his health and my heart.


1st day after school, I asked Winston whether he nap in afternoon break.  He said no.  He said the teacher asked them to cross their hands on the table and rest their heads on their hands, but did not tell them to close eyes.  So, even in the break time, Winston did not close his eyes and he came home with two panda eyes.


The 2nd day of school happened to be Wednesday.  The 1st graders finished school earlier at 2:45pm. But Winston's mom, I did not get the message sent by the school office. So Winston was abandoned in a classroom siting there doing nothing until I finally picked him up at 4:00pm.  Winston was not nervous, he told me he enjoyed siting there doing nothing. And after that, I ask the teacher and the phone company to check and fix the communicating problem.  I hope it works now.


Today is the 3rd day of school and I hope everything goes well.


Do as Teachers Say.