2009年7月25日 星期六

夏至客来,日蚀雨落暑氣埋 Sun Eclipse




Sun Eclipse happened around 9:00-9:30 AM on July 22. It was a precious moment to see the sky turn dark and bright in 10 minutes.

Full Eclipse in Hungzhou, China 寧波

Partial Sun Eclipse looks like a moon in Taiwan.

2009年7月17日 星期五

See Parents from Kids

This summer Winston and I signed up for a swimming class. We had one coach teaching us how to swim and last night is the second time of the class. I was not a good exerciser and did not workout much. A one-hour swimming lesson was so much for me expecially when I did not eat before entering the pool. I felt powerless after 45 mins passed, and I forgot how many times I told the coach that I was so worn out.

After we got home, I was helping Winston washing his hair, and

Winston said: Mother, I have something I need to tell you.

I said: OK, What is it?

Winston: You mentioned about being tired two times to the coach tonight.

This reminded me of my improper behavior in front of a kid.

Me:Oh, yeah. I did a bad feedback to the coach, right?

Winston: Yes, that is not right.

Me: Yes, that is a bad attitude for learning things. Thank you for reminding me. I will improve my attitute.

Winston: Do improve it next time. I forgive you this time.

I used to reminding Winston not to complain during his piano and violin lessons. And we discussed about his attitude after the lessons. And now he is doing the same to me.

I am glad that he also learned to discuss about things after we got home, instead of embarrassing me in front of the coach. What a good learner! And I believe he will pick up swimming skills very soon.

So, we do see parents from their kids. And we parents should always do as we say.

2009年7月15日 星期三



所以,第二天早上我6:00就到达门口,看到有些人四点就已排队了,而门前地上排着一列病人自備的小册子,有一个人在负责整理,旁人说他是对面药局的人,要排队找他。於是我央求他把我排在前頭些,好讓我在早上看完诊。最後,我是在11点左右被看诊的,再到对街的药局排队抓药,约12:00才结束这趟特别的名医之旅,共费时…6 Hours。


1. 排队看诊的人很多,早到本人排队,不一定早被看诊

2. 药局的人似乎是杨医师默认为唯一帮忙整理排队次序的人,然而没来过的人,根本無從得知此潜规,即使前日打了电话讯问。

3. 7:30 门開,病人得以入门後诊,八点十五分開始看诊,很准时。一堆人蜂涌而入,占位子座。

4. 内部分作看诊室和後诊室,後诊室约维持2、30人,特别的是看诊室也是,那意味着,有2、30人陪你一起问诊,这是此行最Special之处。

5. 医师本人家就在诊室旁边,住宅外表看起来不起眼,其实门外看得出是个古建筑,周遭的其他住户似乎不富裕,有些违章建筑,原来的古迹门面全被改成没上漆的水泥墙面。但医师的住宅看得出有刻意保存古迹之意,從诊室的窗户望去,可以看到住宅的内部朴实舒适。我很讶异他为何不在诊所装上窗帘,保存自家的居住隐私。那些早到排队的人肯定聊天,從早上四点開始聊,医师和邻居不嫌吵吗?

6. 看诊费¥50,病人自己放在烟灰缸下。对了,杨医师边看诊边抽烟,也是奇景之一。

7. 可能因为人多,医师话不多,只把脉,问“那里不舒服?”,看舌頭,接着開处方,人多,不好意思多问问题,看完也不知自己的体质到底要多吃啥,禁吃啥?













2009年7月13日 星期一

二访山塘Re-Visit Shang-Tang Street

Saturday evening we visited Shang Tang Old Street Close to Shi-Lu District. We had visited there last winter during the day time. Last time we took a wrong entrance at Hu-Qiu (虎丘) instead of Shi-Lu(石路), and that took us more than 1 hour walking to arrive this most popular and noisy place.
The special part about Shang Tang Street is its stores and the red lanterns hanging on every store. The Stores sell Su-fans, traditional Chinese toys, costumes, and slippers, decorated dried gourds, and silk. There is also one traditional Ping-Tan Show Stage with singers and Chinese music players singing and playing music to the public for free. Shang Tang Street is long, however the exhibiting part of the street is short. Thus it is recommended for busy or lazy travelers to pay a short and quick visit After walking out of Shang-Tang Street, we ate in a very old-style restaurant called The Big Second Raw-fried Bun Store (大阿二生煎). It is called raw fried bun store, because the buns are fried on the pan right after they are fermented, which is different from the common way of steaming or baking them. The store workers were friendly and old fashioned. And because everything was so old fashioned, we were a bit worried about the hygiene part of the food and service. So We took some stomach pills to make ourselves feel safe after we got home.

Stores along water ways

The street was paved with stone bricks

Ping-Tang Show Stage

老店 大阿二生煎 Raw-fried Bun Store

The Lantern on bun store's ceiling

Raw-fried buns




Enjoy the food as long as you remember to take pills afterwards.

2009年7月6日 星期一

Bike around Gold Chicken lake in the Evening

My solar dermatitis (sun skin rashes) still did not get better.  I could not even expose to the winds.  Last Saturday, we walked on Ping Jiang Old Street in the old town and the next day, my face and neck were itchy and had rashes.  But I did not want to stay home all day.  So, Sunday evening we went out biking. This time I covered my face and neck, and wore sunglasses to avoid wind and sun. People looked at me with curiosities. Richy had been biking on the mornings and nights often since he bought his new bike.  He was very familiar with the biking paths around Gold Chicken Lake and had found some beautiful secret paths.  He took us to his secret paths and we biked there for sometime.  It was after 5:30 but the sun still seemed bright and the evening breeze never stopped.  So I did not get chance to take off my mask to fully enjoy the scene.  But it was better than staying home on the weekends. The scenes along the paths really attracted me a lot. 

Before we left for biking, I was too busy putting on my protecting outfit and so I forgot to bring my camera with me.  However, Richy already took some pictures on my request in the morning during his morning bike trip, so I would just use some of the pictures he took to share here. 

Richy's Bike at North side of the Lake



East side of the lake: Ferris Wheel


Southern East of the lake: Yachts and boats



South side of the lake: The Secret Path



South Side of the lake


 Southern West side of the Lake: The departing lovers



Southern West Side of the lake: Blossoming Lotus



West side of the Lake: Old Man Playing Chess



Want to Join me?




Have a Great Day?

2009年7月4日 星期六

Old Street:Ping Jiang 平江古街

星期六帮晚我们走了一趟苏州古街道:平江路,全程含用餐只花了二个小时,沿街有许多特色商店,不过因为是和Richy & Wisnton同行,他们不爱逛商店,所以费时很短。

Bus Information 公交站:相门站(xiang Men stop )下车 Bus 68,2,28,307, and many more
My skin is still sensitive to sun rays, so I haven't gone out much this summer.  Saturday evening we went to Ping Jiang Old street for a walk. It was very pleasant to walk on the old street full of old houses, old trees, and waterways. We enjoyed the summer evening breeze but also smelled something fishy from the waterway along with the breeze. There were lots of stores selling various things, but with Winston and Richy beside me, I did not get the chance to shop at all.  I save it for my next visit.

自然的古味的老街 (從北塔路向南走进平江街口)








2009年7月2日 星期四

The Unbelievable Scene

The internet blocks in China are getting stronger and now I couldn't even cross the Great Wall and sneak out to visit some Google friends' websites. 

On the other side, the foundations of buildings in China are so fragile, you can see the roots of a 13 flr building pulled out by no Wind. 

Now I am skeptical about the construction base of the building I am living in.  Whatch out when you stand beside a building.



 On June 27, 2009, one of the buildings in constructin lay flat on the ground in Shanghai.



They said other buildings beside the fallen one haven't fallen before and are still strong based, but who dare to move in.

2009年7月1日 星期三

Kids' Art

I love to see the naive side of kids’ drawings and paintings, So I collect some of Winston's art work and post them to share here.   


Mother's Day Drawings by Kindergarteners


Girls' Moms


Boys' Moms


Helping Housework



Birds flying back in Spring


Bike 1



Bike 2


It is fun to see the shapes made by crooked lines and painted by the curious little hands.