2010年3月9日 星期二

Women's Day

March 8 is Women's Day in Chinese Culture.  In Suzhou, the schools were promoting the behavior of respecting the elder.  Winston said his teacher asked all the kids to wash their mothers' feet at home.  I felt funny and embarrassed.  But Winston insisted doing it.  He said his teacher would ask whether they finish this kind of "homework" the following day .  So I had to take a basin full of water and sat on a stool to let Winston washed my feet.  It tickled and we both laughed. 

I know in kids' mind, they only want to do as teachers say. But at least the schools are promoting something valuable and I think the concept and attitute will build up in their mind gradually.

Last weekend was Wisnton's birthday. I am glad that he did not ask for any presents.   He planned a family concert in which Richy and I played Cannon D major and Bach's Minuet  together with piano and violin and Winston played Wild Rose with piano. So we played music on Saturday night with only 3 of us as both the players and the audience.  I made banana & apple cake and cooked glutinous rice with veggie mix for dinner. Although everything sounded normal and causal on this day, Winston was quite happy. This reminded me the bithday he had last year, I bought a big cake for him to share and celebrate in his class in Kindergarden and everyone had a great time. However, at that time I had considered to celebrate Wisnton's birthday in low profile because as kids grow older they tend to compete and compare on something unnecessary. More importantly, I don't want to spoil a little kid's small appetite or turn him into a dinosaur.

Glutinous Rice with bacon and Veggie Mix

Fruit and Nuts Cake

3 則留言:

Elaine 提到...

You are a good mom as well as a good teacher. You always know how to lead your dear child in a positive thinking. You love but not spoil him.

Joanne Licsko 提到...

I agree with Elaine. He will grow up to be a good man. I like the way you keep him interested in his music.

June 提到...

Elaine, You are right that I am trying to lead my kid to positivie thinking on many things. We all experienced and know how negative thoughts affect our life.

Joanne, My son started counting the days toward his birthday 2 months ago. I said how about a concert to celebrate the day. He was excited and start assigning songs for us to play. I am new to the music field, but I did practice a lot to show my sincerity. I enjoyed playing and learning with my son.