2010年7月8日 星期四

Kid's Story: Sharing the Bone

Summer break already began. We go to the pool every afternoon.  Winston does not sign up for any private skill training classes as most Chinese kids do in the summer, because I think he may not have enough free time to do things.
To make his summer not so boring, I planned some writing and painting hours for him at home. After building his blog in Window Live, his writing improved a lot, but still not good.  I let him practice writing in English and Chinese in turn in his blog. I found some tool books about kid's writing at the on-line bookstore. They are still on the way. Before then, I thought I may give Winston the practice on "Look and Write". 
Wisnton is not good at coloring.  Richy said maybe we should let him attend a painting class.  I am still hesitating.  Do kids have to gain all kinds of skills? Winston has talents and interest in Music but none( or very little) in painting . He draws but does not draw very well. I think, to him, the painting lesson at school is enough for entertaining and training.  I would let him take painting class only when he likes to.  For now, we just "play" writing and paiting at home. Here is his "colorful" dog story. He gave the title "Sharing the Bone" to it. Enjoy~

Pictures Drawn by: June
Pictures Colored by: Wisnton
Story Written by: Winston
Sharing the Bone
       One day a dog saw a bone. He liked it so he ran to the bone. The bone looked delicious. The dog wanted to eat it so he walked closer and closer. Suddenly a lady dog came by. She looked hungry. Then the dog let her take the bone.
       The dog had nothing to eat and became hungry.  Few days later, the lady dog came back with two bones to share with the dog.

2 則留言:

Internet business at home automated system 提到...

想要更多時間陪伴親子跟家人嗎? 只要瑣碎時間就能經營
學習簡單 免推銷 歡迎進入了解

Joanne Licsko 提到...

I have been watching how you have been exposing Winston to so much art and other inspiring stimulus. As one mother to another, I am impressed with the high level of your involvement. You asked (perhaps rhetorically) if children need so many skills. I think the answer is yes, these skills are so much easier to acquire while young. Winston will be much better equipped all his life. However, I am a strong believer in play time (both alone and with other children) where a child can exercise his youthful imagination. A well developed imagination plus multiple skills are the seeds of the fully expanded human potential.