2008年12月31日 星期三

别被的冬天的太阳骗了 Y嫂变二奶




2008年12月30日 星期二



2008年12月28日 星期日

Misty Sunday

Richy was out most of the time today. He had a meeting in the afternoon and a dinner with his boss and colleagues at night. No one knows what time he will be back. The foggy night worries me.

Besides being cold, it was mostly raining and foggy during the day. Winston had been playing Mario several times. It was a bit boring for not being able to go out in this weather. We made cookies in the evening to make the indoor air warm and sweet.



中国人的爱面子充分反映在大都市的街景上,每天白天都有修剪路树与捡拾垃圾的工人整日守着街道环境。因此,这儿雖然没公德心的人很多,市容仍非常美观乾净。反观台湾,守规矩的雖多,仍敵不过少数不守规矩的人一段时间的环境摧残。而那些经常出国考察的首长官员们不知是否都是蒙眼直达Shopping Center 或风景区的, 所以没發现自己的城市比有些落後国家还髒,更别提那些比我们先进的国家了呢。根据我的观察,中部市区及风景区的清潔人员一日只有清晨出现一次,而跨縣市道路的清潔大概三个月一次,小巷道的清潔工作若不是靠附近住户自费或社区志工,大概都要成为垃圾场了。如果我们的住民水準还不到位,就应该全面检讨!如果人力不足,至少先在街道上多设置一些垃圾桶,每次出门都找不到地方丢垃圾,难怪沿路的安全岛上一堆饮料罐与塑胶袋。

2008年12月25日 星期四












但 信仰又是何其重要啊!






2008年12月24日 星期三


所有重量级的冬衣早在11月中旬以来出盡,现在只有再穿着二件厚袜加上新买的超厚手套了。 寒冻的气候下还要煮饭打掃,真是挑战我皮肉發痛的手。我要坚持下去整个冬季,畢竟在这儿,家的感觉还是很温暖的。


2008年12月22日 星期一

寒流 冬至 餛飩



清晨的“夜空”下, 没有太阳的金鸡湖还能一览无遗, 真是奇特。

今天应该近零度了吧? 如果过去算“冷”,现在应该算“冻”了。




Winston 很期待大雪快来,那时后我可能要冻成雪人了。


餛 飩


2008年12月19日 星期五



南京, 七- 八年前去过,只觉得好闷热 荒芜,只看了壮丽的中山陵和古墓,其他就没啥了。


这次的南京,感受完全不同 , 进了南京,一路上我赞歎不已。

时间上的限制,这次,没去中山陵,没去古墓,我只带着Winston 去了夫子庙。



大陆的交通进步之神速,令人惊讶。從苏州到南京,我们搭了动车、地铁,再花¥1元的Bus,合计二小时三十分钟就達目的地--法院。 花20元的Taxi我们到了夫子庙。Taxi的路程讓我体验到南京的古老,以及人的热情。古老的路树環抱着热闹的街道,市区许多角落都可以看到成群的树林,这些老树参天,绝对不会是现代人植的,我还看到在台湾山区才有的针葉林,十几米高的树就出现在市区,正当我对街景不时發出赞叹时,司机先生说:「南京的树被那国混蛋胡XX砍去一半了。」從他的口气聴得出他的气愤激昂,口中的胡XX,指的是前市长。我还聴他说道:「妈的,共产党就是这样。」我非常欣赏他的敢怒敢言。聊了一会儿,下车前,司机还教我回程要怎么搭车可以迅速到達火车站。

夫子庙就像苏州的十路与观前街,老街混新建,是逛街找买小玩意的好地方。我们又买了水果串来吃、拍照、进去玩意店逛逛,买了一隻会唱歌跳舞的驢子,老板送我们一支棉花糖。去参观艺术家现场用木塊雕刻人像,"神乎其技"原来就是这种感觉,不过我不敢親试,「活人雕像」有点怪怪的。 想想,自己生气或發呆时应该也蛮像活雕像的吧!我们家还真是不缺雕像呢!







2008年12月17日 星期三


But 好冷啊!待写!

山楂 桂圆 金银花

今天去超市买了: 桂圆 山楂 金银花草 , 都是养生茶饮用料 ;
这儿的桂圆难买, 多是带壳的, 价格贵 ,吃起来也不甜 ;

天气冷,手指头冻得發痛,我忍不住先拨开些桂圆,泡了薑汁桂圆茶, 因为不够甜,我加了蜂蜜,蛮好喝的。下次回台要记得买桂圆来,台湾桂圆大又甜,且便宜,好怀念啊!



2008年12月15日 星期一


本想建康一下, 没想到买到黑心木耳, 泡水后有浓浓的双氧水味 ,本来只是怀疑而以 ,隔夜味道竟更浓烈, 我不想放弃烹煮黑木耳, 于是换个品牌 。还好 ,这次的闻起来还算自然, 不过Richy 仍不敢吃。
我的想法是:如果所有大陆干货都不吃, 那就甭在此建康地混了。 况且 ,我还觉得大陆某牌子的红枣构杞子比台湾的品质好多了, 只要购买前仔细评估 ,食用前闻味观色,不必大惊小怪的。

营养:黑木耳营养丰富,含蛋白质、脂肪、钙、碳水化合物、磷、铁、胡箩卜素、微生素、微生素B1,此外含有大量纤维、钾、镁和钠等。黑木耳的蛋白质含量和肉类相当,维生素B2含量是一般米、面和大白菜以及肉类的4-10倍,钙含量是一般肉类的30-70倍。  黑木耳口感酥软滑脆,具有清肺、润肺、益气补血等功效,是矿山、纺织业工人良好的保健食品。现代医学证明黑木耳中的多糖体具有增强人体免疫力,防癌抗癌等功效。美国科学家发现黑木耳能减低血液凝块、肝和冠状动脉硬化,并且能明显地防止血栓的形成。From :http://bbsmoon.com/

2008年12月14日 星期日

Winter Gold Chicken Lake

冬天的金鸡湖人少 冷清多了 不过大大的太阳 好舒服啊 !
唉! My Chinese typing was just too slow. I envy those whose Chinese typing was so fast that they can type as fast as their thoughts go. English typing is so much easier. I guess if I have more to write, I will use English as usual.

2008年12月13日 星期六

Stop Nagging!

It is just a process of economy's life cycle, not a big deal. Our life was not luxurious before and will not be at this moment or in the future. I think we don't need to do any big change for life. Nothing big can be saved nor will be spent. But if someone always nags about financial matters and cost down. I want to disappear for a clean moment.
Live through it! It won't be over sooner, but will be for sure. Stop nagging! When time comes, I know what to do. At this moment, I want to enjoy whatever I am doing. When time comes, I will still try to enjoy whatever I will be doing. But in the time between, I just want to live a simple life with a simple brain.
The outer environment is scary enough. Everyday you hear bad news about business closing down. More bad news are expectable. Unless it really affects me so much, now I don't want to talk about. Home should be a shelter from those bad news. I know what to do if time comes. Please don't nag about it. Yes, I am a big Ostrich. I enjoy being one happy silly Ostrich.

2008年12月11日 星期四

工怕抓漏 醫怕治咳

Been Coughing for two weeks since last cold. EverytimeI felt better, a new cold flow irritated my nose and throat again. Weather is the best remedy for coughing. Yesterday the weather was warmer and I felt better but still coughed at night. As for Winston, he coughed once a while as usual. Today the temperature is lower. I hope my nose and throat won't get worse.

華碩蘇州子公司裁員一半 (4.5萬人)
年底到了 蘇州治安令人擔心

2008年12月8日 星期一

Simple True Life in Action

Everyone, more or less, is suffering from the recession. We, too, got so much debt and interest to pay off.

No one is better off than anyone.

Live the best out of the worst.

Economy in depression, Simple true life in action.

Oh, God help the world out of destruction!

Hope we all learn the lesson.


Early Christmas Party

Winston's school changed the party time earlier to Sunday, December 7, because the party room were all booked until Chritmas. His class performed singing the song "Silent Night". Winston was the only student who had a solo to sing the song in the middle of their performance. He was not afraid of acting on the stage.

If you asked him what was the best part he liked about this party, he would said "The party was so much fun because I got my Christmas present from Santa." Which reminded me that when I asked him the best part he liked about Tian-Ping Hill, neither rocks nor maples, his answer was " The bubble blower". Kids have their own special ways in storing memories.

2008年12月6日 星期六

Red Maple Park

Winston and I went to the Maple park nearby. There are hundreds of maples trees in the park. Each tree has a ID card hanging on the tree. The trees are well taken care. But even so, in winter they still have to stand the cold snow without any leaves.
Winston and I were all wrapped with heavy winter clothes. We even wear a mask both indoors and outdoors. But when we eat or when we take pictures, we take off our masks and a thin stream of mucus will sneak out .
At night, we made su-si for supper. Winston took off his mask and we spotted his running nose.

2008年12月5日 星期五

Cold, freezing, and running nose again

I don't want to go over the sickness cycle again. My running nose comes back because of the cold air. This time I will take medicine at the earlier stage. The temperature is between -2 and 6 degree today. Richy said if I can stand this weekend's weather then I can live through the winter here. My nose and I are trying hard. Red eyes, red nose, cold fingers, and cold feet are struggling against this frosty air.

North wind is howling outside, I am afraid that the leaves will be all blown off this weekend. I plan to take Winston out to take some pictures of the trees in the park.

2008年12月3日 星期三

End of Stars Chasing 機會稍縱即逝

This was the moon I captured with my camera tonight. Winston and I saw the two stars again but for some reason I did not get them in my camera. I took too many pictures this morning for the autumn leaves and my camera was out of power. So, after I realized it and recharged my camera for 30 minutes, the stars were both gone again. I only got one banana moon to record. I felt fooled by the stars. But even I took a picture of today's sky, the moon and stars could not stay in the same picture. Because this time the two stars were very far below the moon. So, Looking at my picture, you should imagine the two little stars staying on the south-east corner outside of my picture. We should feel lucky to see Venus and Jupiter together with the first quarter moon for three consecutive days. The most precious moment was when we found a smiling sky performed by the moon and stars on the first day.
~End of stars chasing!~

A glance of 2008's Autumn

It is Winter already. The tree leaves changed color a lot this week. They were still green two weeks ago. The cold flow is on the way. There won't be any leaves left on some of the trees next week. So, I walked down to our complex park to grab the last glance of Fall 2008. The gingo tree leaves turned yellow and maple leaves orange red. Of course the evergreen trees remained green.

One good thing about living in Su-Zhou is that the gardening is so great everywhere that it was well built into every road, street, and neighborhood.

Sad Face Made by Mischievious Stars

Last evening when Winston and I were driving home, we saw the sky with 2 stars and one banana moon again. It was only 5:30pm. But the stars were under the moon and made an upside down sad face this time. That was mischievious. At that moment I thought that I would definitely take a picture of it later when the sky turned darker and more beautiful. So, with the good mood, I prepared some su-si for supper. Winston and I enjoyed our first home-made su-si and rested a bit. Then we took our camera and put on our thick heavy coats. With our happy mood, we were ready to go outdoors to watch the sad sky. We walked and searched, with the thought that maybe the sad face was hidden behind the tall buildings. So, we walked through all the possible buildings that might block our view and went to a place where nothing could block the sky view. But there was nothing except for thick fog and lights. How sad!
The sad face did not last long as the smiling face did last night. Maybe it is a good sign that good time lasts longer than the bad time. So, everyone: Hang up there! Bad time will not last long. Good time is coming. I am going to see how the sky turns out tonight. And I will bring my camera with me this evening.

To friends and families: If you got a picture of the sad sky, kindly e-mail one to me.

2008年12月2日 星期二

A Smiling Sky Performed by Venus, Jupiter, and a Banana Moon 雙星拱月

Last night Winston found the moon showed up as a upward banana and asked me to watch it. We saw one star and the banana moon. I told him Santa may sit on the moon or star to watch us. So he practiced his violin very hard to try to please Santa to make his Christmas wish come true. Later after we practiced violin, the other star showed up, but it was a bit smaller. Winston said, the stars and the moon together made a smiling face. He told me he saw Santa sitting on the smaller "pink" star. How imaginary! I would not be so cruel to break his heart by telling him that was only an imagination. Moreover, the legend of Santa Clause has been very useful in disciplining Winston. I told him Santa is watching him all the time to see if he is good or naughty. If he behaves well his wish for Christmas gift will come true.
This morning I felt regretful that I forgot to take pictures of the smiling sky. The stars were Venus and Jupiter. I should make a wish when I saw them together. I hope it would not be too late. I wish the economic will go up and everyone has a good year.
I was very happy to find someone photo took it and posted it in the net. That was exactly what we saw in the sky last night. I wonder wether my families and friends in Taiwan saw the same beautiful sky I saw.

Origin of picture: http://www.xiaoheyouyu.com/ worded by June

2008年12月1日 星期一

Tian-Ping Hill 二次造訪

Richy wanted to visited Tian-Ping so much because he wanted to see the colored maple leaves. I would not mind visiting it second time because I liked to worship the big rocks. Winston definitely wanted to go there because he wanted to buy the bubble blower from the vendor there. He missed it last time because I did not let him buy it. So everyone got a good motive to visit the mountain, and there we went.

Yellow, orange, brown, and red colored tree leaves on the lakeside glittered and waved under the sun and cold wind. If not for the big crowd aside, I would have confused myself as dreaming. Because of Sunday, it was so crowded and hard to find a clean spot for photo taking. Looking up to the top of the mountain, I saw the crowd of visitors climbing the mountain like the flock of ants crawling around the top of a big rock sugar. Although the crowd was big and the mountain was a bit littered, I still loved the mountain. But next time, I will visit here on the weekdays.

Thanksgiving Dinner

I could not find turkeys in Su-Zhou's supermarket, so I bought chicken instead. I used some croutons, beans, and celery for stuffing. The gravy of baked chicken did not taste as good as the turkey one. I used the gravy to make some mashed potato and Winston loved it. The meat tasted different from turkey meat but still tender and good . We just wanted to have a bit feel of Thanksgiving.